Wash your hands prior to washing your face.
Don't Use Hot Water
Use lukewarm water on your face when cleansing. Hot water destroys the skin's barrier.
Wash your face after you wash your body and your hair.​
Fabric Softener
Fabric softeners, scent beads & dryer sheets leave a waxy residue on pillowcases, towels, wash cloths, sheets, and any other fabric comes into direct contact with the skin. This residue can clog pores of acne-prone individuals. Use wool dryer balls instead.
Detergents with fragrance can cause skin irritation. Detergent without sodium laurel or laureth sulfate, dyes & artificial fragrances are a better choice: Molly's Suds Laundry Pods, Honest Company Hypoallergenic Detergent, ECOS Plant Powered Detergent.
Change your pillowcase every 2 days. Oil and other products (such as hair care) can leave build up and contribute to clogged pores. Switch to a satin or silk pillowcase.
Water Softeners
There is some evidence that water softeners can lead to acne, especially those containing high amounts of potassium chloride.
Swimming pool disinfectants contain iodides and chlorine which can remain in the water, causing skin problems for frequent swimmers. Consider applying a thin layer of petroleum jelly over your sunscreen before you get into the pool.
Beware of Hand Lotions
Are you using hand lotion then leaning your face on your hands or sleeping on your hands?
Breakouts Around the Mouth Area
Lip balms & toothpastes can contain pore clogging ingredients. If you see breakouts around your mouth area, one of these products may be the culprit.
No Picking or Squeezing
Rub ice on pustules and pimples for a couple of minutes, twice a day.
IMPORTANT: picking can spread acne, cause scarring & pigmentation.