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Not on Eye or Lower Neck
Do not use Advanced Acne Med on your neck or eye area. The tissue in the eye and neck area is delicate, and Advanced Acne Med will irritate the skin too much.


No Eye Cream
Do not use eye cream or moisturizer around the eyes or neck because the Advanced Acne Med will migrate through the cream and cause irritation and possible swelling.


Eye Irritation
Allow your Advanced Acne Med to dry before going to bed. If your eyelids get irritated, try changing your pillowcase more often. When you are wearing Advanced Acne Med all night, it will get on
the pillowcase.


Smile Lines
This area tends to be the most sensitive area on the face and will be the first place you see irritation and dryness. You can put a very thin layer of Vaseline on this area to occlude it for a few days and then resume product use there.


No Working Out
Do not wear Advanced Acne Med when you expect to perspire, as in exercising, physical labor or getting hot in the sun. If you are wearing it, wash it off or it will irritate your skin.


Will Bleach Fabric
Advanced Acne Med will bleach fabric, so we suggest wearing a white shirt or T-shirt when using it. Use white pillowcases when you start wearing it overnight. Make sure to wash your hands with soap after using it to avoid bleaching towels.


Allergic Reaction
Allergies to benzoyl peroxide are rare but do occur occasionally. Dry skin does not constitute an allergic reaction; rather an allergy is characterized by itching, swelling or burning associated with a rash (similar to a mild case of poison ivy dermatitis). If an allergic reaction occurs, stop using Advanced Acne Med and contact us immediately.


Use Consistently
If you skip a day or two, or only spot treat, it gives a chance for acne to form. You must do your home care routine consistently to reach and maintain clear skin.

Expect Some Dryness

Expect your skin to get a bit dry while getting used to the Advanced Acne Med. This is normal; however, if your skin gets uncomfortably dry, please contact us so we can adjust your home care routine. Do NOT stop using your Advanced Acne Med until the next time you have an appointment— when in doubt, call us.

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